Assessment of Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Parameters of Drinking Water in Mysore City, India


  • Shivaraju H. P.


Physico-chemical parameters, Indian standard, overhead tanks, Harmful bacteria, Bacteriological


The physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis was carried out for the assessment of drinking water quality in the Mysore city. All the water samples were collected from overhead tanks, which are located in different areas of city and as collected water samples were analyzed for the physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristics. In the present study results obtained are reported and importance of drinking water quality parameters obtained are discussed by compared with permissible limits set by bureau of Indian standards. As per physico-chemical parameters are concerned, few drinking water samples supplied in the city crossed their permissible limits. Moreover, the microbial examination was carried out by MPN method and it was suggested that drinking water in the city was seriously polluted by harmful bacteria and unfit for drinking purposes. The main sources and reasons for the contamination of drinking water in the city are reported and possible alternative techniques for the control of drinking water contamination are suggested.




How to Cite

Shivaraju H. P. (2011). Assessment of Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Parameters of Drinking Water in Mysore City, India. International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment (IJRCE), 2(1), 44–53. Retrieved from


